dilluns, 29 d’octubre del 2018

My hero

My hero is my younger brother, Damia. He was born 5 years after my, he is 10 years old. He's studying 5th Year in primary school. We have a very good relationship, he always helps me.. He love play football, he play football in Sant Pere Pescador.
Damia is very generous becouse when I need money, he gives me and he has a lot of confidence with me.
He's funny and he always laught, sometimes we play football together.
In the future he wants to be inventor, he's very intelligent, so I think that it can be possible.

dilluns, 15 d’octubre del 2018

Multiple intelligent quiz

My highest percentatge is Interpersonal with a 63% and Intrapersonal with a 50%. I think good at the interships. My minimun percentatge is naturalistic with a 25%, I don't like natural.

dilluns, 8 d’octubre del 2018

My biggest dream

My biggest dream is to live in Ibiza. When I am 18 years old, I would like to go to Ibiza my friends or my boyfriend. I will go there because I love the beach, its atmosphere, the shops, and going to the discotheque. When I was 12 years old, in the summer, I visited Ibiza with my parents and my brother. I fell love with this beautifull island.
To make a dream possible, I have to study a lot to get a job in Ibiza. I prefere working in a bar or maybe in a clothes shop.
In order to fulfill this dream I have to be patient and I have to get money for the house, for the house, for the food, and the trip.

Resultat d'imatges de ibiza

Animal in my

I'm a porcupine


Porcupine Characteristics

Thrifty  Practical   Cynical  

I'm don't feel identified with this characteristics, it has nothing to do with me. 

Careers & hobbies

Collections agent

diumenge, 7 d’octubre del 2018

My favourite animal

My favourite animal: the dog

I love dogs and cats but I chose the dogs because they are very intelligent and affectionate.
 My dog's breed is chiguagua. I like to feed him, hold him and caress him. When I take him out for a walk he starts to bark; He likes to play ball and his favorite doll is the ball, since we were small we taught him to go look for it and bring it. . My dog ​​is called Jerry and his favorite food is the cookie. He likes to sleep on the couch and scratch his belly